Stonehenge & Hog Roasts

We have been roasting hogs at Stonehenge, Wiltshire since the dawn of time.

Examination of fats on pottery and the butchery marks and patterns of burning on animal bones tell us that the practice of cooking whole pigs over an open fire was common for the builders of Stonehenge, Wiltshire. A large hearth just the right size for a hog roast has even been unearthed immediately outside the midwinter solstice, sunrise-oriented entrance of the Southern Circle.

Patterns of disposal of bones also indicates that these activities were concentrated into certain times of the year indicating that they were public festive events.

All in all it is clear that our Neolithic ancestors enjoyed a hog roast at their festivals and events just as much as Stonehenge Hog Roasts customers do today!

Call, message or email to get your personal quote for a Traditional Hog Roast for your event